HiPP Comfort Special Milk Formula from birth (600g/17.6 oz)
A sensitive tummy in the first weeks and months of life is not uncommon and your baby’s digestive system is often not yet fully developed. HiPP Comfort is especially formulated to address gassiness, lactose-related “3 months’ colic” and constipation. HiPP Special Comfort works to battle the causes of Colic with babies. When your infant’s digestive system is too sensitive, this can typically lead to constipation, colic and flatulence. This is directly related to the formula or breastmilk they are drinking. HiPP Special Comfort – Colic Support provides a unique option for frustrated parents and infants suffering from dietary inabilities.
HiPP Special Comfort – Colic Support works by softening the stool and being tender on the stomach to aid proper digestion. HiPP Special Comfort – Colic Support has reduced lactose content and should not be used as a primary choice for formula.
Through its special formulation, HiPP Comfort also loosens baby’s stool and helps to regulate bowel movements. While HiPP Comfort does contain some lactose as a carbohydrate source, HiPP Comfort contains substantially less lactose than most HiPP formulations, including HiPP HA. The milk protein contained in HiPP Comfort is based on extensively hydrolyzed whey protein, making the protein structures smaller, more similar in size to human breast milk proteins and, thus, easier for baby to process. This means that HiPP Comfort is also a good fit for babies that are at risk of developing allergies even though Comfort is not specifically designated as a “hypoallergenic” formula. HiPP Comfort also contains a special, breastmilk-like fat formulation called beta palmitate, which has been linked to better calcium absorption, bone density and other desirable outcomes. Importantly, HiPP Comfort also contains prebiotics (Galacto-oligosaccharides derived from lactose) and probiotics modeled on those found in human breast milk. HiPP Comfort also contains added omegas 3 and 6 and DHA.